植村 寿公

植村 寿公 (大阪大学 理化学研究所科学技術融合研究センター 特任教授)

【専門】 再生医療、生体材料

物理のバックグラウンドを持ちながら、再生医療や生体材料(骨や軟骨など)に携わる研究活動してきました。科研費の添削や、実験・研究に関する支援、アドバイスなど幅広く対応できます。また、日本再生医療学会上級臨床培養士や放射線取扱主任者1種の資格を持っていますので、臨床培養施設や放射線を取り扱う施設の管理も可能です。 専門学校、大学等での講義も担当できます。




整形外科学 間葉系幹細胞 軟骨再生 心筋再生
アポトーシス 骨・軟骨代謝学 組織工学  (テイッシュエンジニアリング) バイオマテリアル
3次元培養 放射光





・高等学校教諭1級普通免許状(理科)、 高等学校教諭2級普通免許状(数学)

獲得科研費 基盤研究(A) 2020 – 2022
挑戦的萌芽研究 2011 – 2012 代表者
基盤研究(B) 2009 – 2011 代表者
挑戦的萌芽研究 2008 – 2009
萌芽研究 2007 – 2008 代表者
萌芽研究 2004 – 2005 代表者
基盤研究(B) 2003 – 2005
萌芽研究 2002 – 2003 代表者
基盤研究(B) 2002 – 2004 代表者
科研費以外 日本学術振興会未来開拓学術研究推進事業 1997 – 2002 分担
日本宇宙フォーラム 宇宙環境利用に関する公募地上研究 1999 – 2001 分担
JST CREST 1999 – 2004 分担
NEDO 1997 – 1998 分担
JST 成果育成プログラムA 2002 – 2004 代表
振興調整費LP 2004 – 2008 分担
日本宇宙フォーラム 公募地上研究 2005 – 2008 代表
いばらき研究開発推進事業 2005 – 2008 代表
JST 大学発ベンチャー創出事業 2007 – 2010 代表

NEDO 橋渡し促進技術開発 2007 – 2010 分担
NEDO 大学発実用化 2009 – 2012 分担
JST A-STEP 2010 – 2011 代表
経産省 課題解決型医療機器等事業 2013 – 2014 分担
JST 経産省 サポイ 2014 – 2017 副代表
AMED ACT-M 2016 – 2019 分担
経産省 サポイン 2017 – 2020 副代表
AMED 橋渡しシーズB 2020 – 2022 分担
JST 経産省 サポイン 2020 – 2023 分担

2023年度~: 大阪大学, 大阪大学・理化学研究所科学技術融合研究センター, 特任教授

2020年度 – 2022年度: 大阪大学, 工学研究科, 特任教授
2012年度: 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, ナノシステム研究部門, 上級主任研究員
2010年度 – 2011年度: 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, ナノシステム研究部門, 主任研究員
2009年度: 独立行政法人産業総合技術研究所, 研究グループ長
2007年度 – 2009年度: 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, ナノテクノロジー研究部門, 研究グループ長
2008年度: 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, 研究グループ長
2005年度: 東京大学, 産業技術総合研究所・ナノテクノロジー研究部門, 主任研究員
2005年度: 産業技術総合研究所, ナノテクノロジー研究部門, 主任研究員
2004年度 – 2005年度: 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, ナノテクノロジー研究部門, 主任研究員
2004年度: 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, 年齢軸生命工学研究センター, 研究チーム長
2003年度 – 2004年度: 産業技術総合研究所, 年齢軸生命工学研究センター, 主任研究員

2003年度: 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, 年齢軸生命工学研究センター, 主任研究員
2002年度: 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所, ティッシュエンジニアリング研究センター, 主任研究員

35)Kosaku Kurata, Toshimasa Uemura, Atsuko Nemoto, Tetsuya Tateishi, Teruo Murakami, Hidehiko Higaki,
Hiromasa Miura, Yukihide Iwamoto, "Highly Enriched Osteoclasts on Ivory Slices Upregulate Bone-Resorbing
Activities and mRNA Expressions of Osteoclast Marker Enzymes in Responce to Mechanical Strain",
JBMR(Journal of Bone and Miner. Res.),16(4) 722-730 (2001).
36)H.Kojima, A.Nemoto, T.Uemura, H.Honma, M.Ogura, Y-K Liu, "DRAK1, Death Associated Protein Kinase-
Related Apoptosis-Inducing Protein Kinase, is Expressed in Active Osteoclast Strongly and Induces
Apoptosis", J. Biol. Chem, 276(22) 19238-19243 (2001)
37)J.Dong, H.Kojima, T.Uemura, M.Kikuchi, T.Tateishi, J.Tanaka,"In Vivo Evaluation of a Novel Porous
Hydroxyapatite to Sustain Osteogenesis of Transplanted Bone Marrow Derived Osteoblastic Cells" J. Biomed.
Matter.Res.57, 208-216 (2001).
38) J.Dong, T.Uemura, H.Kojima, M.Kikuchi, J.Tanaka, T.Tateishi, “Applocation of low pressure system to
sustain in vivo bone formation in osteoblast/porous hydroxyapatite composite”, Mat. Sci. Eng. C17, 37-
39) T.Uemura, A.Nemoto, Y-K. Liu, H.Kojima, J.Dong, T.Yabe, T.Yoshikawa,H.Ohgushi, T.Ushida, T.Tateishi,
“Osteopontin Involvement in Bone Remodeling and Its Effect on In Vivo Osteogenic Potential of Bone Marrow
Derived Osteoblasts/Porous Hydroxyapatite Construct”, Mat. Sci. Eng. C17, 33-36 (2001)
40) Takashi USHIDA, Toshimasa UEMURA, Tetsuya TATEISHI, Changes in cell proliferation, alkaline
phosphatase activity and cAMP production by mechanical strain in osteoblast-like cells differentiated from rat
bone marrow; Mater. Sci. & Eng. C17, 51-54 (2001)
41) Jian Dong, Toshimasa Uemura, Masanori Kikuchi, Junzo Tanaka, Tetsuya Tateishi, "Long-term durability of
porous hydroxyapatite with low-pressure system to support osteogenesis of messenchymal stem cells", Bio-

Medical Materials and Engineering, 12(2), 203-209 (2002)
42) Jian Dong, Toshimasa Uemura, Yoshio Shirasaki, Tetsuya Tateishi, "Promotion of bone formation using highly
pure porous b-TCP combined with messenchymal stem cells", Biomaterials, 23(23), 4493-4502(2002)
43) Toshimasa Uemura, Jian Dong, Yichao Wang, Hiroko Kojima, Takashi Saito, Daisuke Iejima, Masanori
Kikuchi, Junzo Tanaka, Tetsuya Tateishi; Transplantation of cultured bone cells using combinations of scaffolds
and culture techniques. Biomaterials, 24(13) 2277-2286 (2003)
44) T.Saito, S.Ito, T.Uemura, K.Matsuda, MA. Crenshaw: Concentration-dependent
effect of phosphate ester on apatite induction in vitro. J.Hard Tissue Biology, 12:11-16, 2003.
45) Daisuke Iejima, Takashi Saito, Toshimasa Uemura, "Phosphophoryn-collagen sponge as a scaffold for bone
tissue engineering", J. Biomater. Sci. Polymer Edn. 14(10), 1097-1103 (2003)
46) Yichao Wang, Toshimasa Uemura, Jian Dong, Hiroko Kojima, Junzo Tanaka, Tetsuya Tateishi, "Application of
Perfusion Culture System Improves In vitro and In vivo Osteogenesis of Rat Bone Marrow-Derived
Osteoblastic Cells In Porous Ceramic Materials" ,Tissue Engineering,  9(6), 1205-1214 (2003).
47) Takashi Saito, Fumio Kobayashi, Masanobu Izumikawa, Toshiyuki Koike, Masahiro Yoshiyama, Toshimasa
Uemura, Kazuhisa Bessho, Dentin Phosphophoryn Accelerates rhBMP-2/HAP induced Bone Formation,
Jouranal of Oral Tissue Engineering, 1(1) 110-116 (2004)
48) Antonio Desmond Mccarthy, Toshimasa Uemura, Susanna Bentriz Etcheverry, Ana Maria Cortizo, “Advanced
Glycation Endproducts Interfere with Integrin-Mediated Osteoblastic Attachment to a Type-I Collagen
Matrix”, Int. J. Biochem. and Cell. Biol 36(5) 840-848 (2004).
49) Shinichi Sotome, Toshimasa Uemura, Masanori Kikuchi, Chen Jiani, Soichiro Itoh, Junzo Tanaka, Tetsuya
Tateishi, Kenichi Shinomiya “Synthesis and in vivo evaluation of a novel Hydroxyapatite/Collagen-alginate as
bone filler and a drug delivery carrier of bone morphogenetic protein”, Mater. Sci. Eng. C24, 341-347 (2004)
50) Hiroko Kojima, Toshimitsu Uede, Toshimasa Uemura, "In Vitro and In Vivo Effects of Overexpression of
Osteopontin Gene on Osteoblast Differentiation Using a Recombinant Adenoviral Vector", J. Biochemistry,
136(3) 377-386 (2004)
51) Daisuke Iejima, Mi-Hye Lee, Hiroko Kojima, Takafumi Yoshikawa, Pi-chao Wang, Toshimasa Uemura, “
Cbfa1 expression is enhanced by the immunosuppressant FK506 in the osteoblastic cell line: UMR106”
Materials Science and Engineering C 24/6-8, 845-850 (2004) .
52) Binbin Liu, Yin-kun Liu, Atsuko Nemoto, Toshimasa Uemura “The inducible expression of the long pentaxin
PTX3 in osteoblast like MC3T3-E1 cells by e-coli lipopolysaccharide” Materials Science and Engineering C
24/6-8, 851-853 (2004)..
53)Atsuko Nemoto, Toshimasa Uemura, “HYPERGRAVITY EFFECT ON TRAP and CATHEPSIN K mRNA
EXPRESSION IN CULTURED OSTEOCLASTS“J Oral Tissue Engineering 2(1) 31-34 (2004)
54) Hiroko Kojima, Toshimasa Uemura "Strong and rapid Induction of osteoblast differentiation by Cbfa1/til-1
overexpression for bone regeneration" Journal of Biological Chemistry(JBC). 280(4), 2944-2953 (2005)
55)Takafumi Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Nakajima, Toshimasa Uemura, Takahiko Kasai, Yasunori Enomoto, Tomomi
Tamura, Akitaka Nonomura, Manabu Akahane, Hajime Ohgushi, Yoshiko Dohi and Yoshinori Takakura “In vitro
bone formation induced by an Immunosuppressive Agent, Tacrolimus hydrate (FK506)”, Tissue Engineering,
11(3-4), 609-617(2005)
56)Chen J, Sotome S, Wang J, Orii H, Uemura T, Shinomiya K.Correlation of in vivo bone formation capability
and in vitro differentiation of human bone marrow stromal cells. J Med Dent Sci. 2005 52(1):27-34.
57)Shinobu Nomura, Hiroko Kojima, Yoshimi Ohyabu, Kosuke Kuwabara, Akihiro Miyauchi, Toshimasa Uemura
“Cell Culture on Nanopillar Sheet –Study of HeLa Cells on Nanopillar Sheet”, JJAP(Japanese Journal of
Applied Physics).
58)Dong J, Fang T, Sun Y, Dai W, Li Y, Uemura T “FK506 stimulation of osteogenic activity in rat mesenchymal
stem cells in vitro” Chin J Trauma, 22(10) 775-778 (2006)
59)Shinobu Nomura, Hiroko Kojima, Yoshimi Ohyabu, Kosuke Kuwabara, Akihiro Miyauchi, Toshimasa Uemura
“Nanopillar sheet as a new type of cell culture dish-Study of HeLa cells cultured on nanopillar sheet”, J. Artif.
Organs, 9(2) 90-96 (2006)
60)Yoshimi Ohyabu, Naoko Kida, Hiroko Kojima, Tetsushi Taguchi, Junzo Tanaka, Toshimasa Uemura
“Cartilaginous tissue formation from bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells using rotating wall vessel
(RWV) bioreactor” Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 95(5) 1003-1008 (2006) (IF=2.483)
61) Yasutaka Yamada, Atsuo Ito, Masataka Sakane, Syunpei Miyakawa, Toshimasa Uemura “Laser microscopic
measurement of osteoclastic resorption pits on biomaterials” Materials Science & Engineering C 27, 762-766
62) Antonio Desmond McCarthy, Toshimasa Uemura, Susana Beatriz Etcheverry, Ana Maria Cortizo“Involvement
of integrins in the adhesion of osteoblastic cells to a Type-I Collagen matrix” Revista CENIC Ciencias
Biologica, 37(3) 234-237 (2006)
63) Y. Yamada, A. Ito, H. Kojima, M. Sakane, S. Miyakawa, N. Ochiai, T. Uemura, R.Z. Legeros, “Inhibitory
effects of Zinc-containing b-tricalcium phosphate (ZnTCP) on mature osteoclast activity” JBMR A (J. Biomed.
Matter. Res. A) .84 344-352 (2008)
64) Jiefeng Cui. Xiaonan Kang. Zhi Dai.Cheng Huang 。 Haijun Zhou. Kun Guo. Yan Li.Yu Zhang. Ruixia Sun. Jie
Chen. Yang Li. Zhaoyou Tang. Toshimasa Uemura. Yinkun Liu “Prediction of Chronic Hepatitis B, Liver
Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma by SELDI-based Serum Decision Tree Classification”, Journal of
Cancer Research, Clinical Oncology 133, 825-834 (2007)

65)J.Dong, W.D.Dai, T.L.Fanq, H.Lin,T.Uemura, Osteoblastic differentiation and in vivo osteogenic activity of
marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells stimulated by Tacrolimus: experiment with rats, Chinese Medical
Journal, 87(3), 190-194 (2007).
66) Tomokazu Yoshioka, Hajime Mishima, Yoshimi Ohyabu, Shinsuke Sakai, Hiroshi Akaogi, Tomoo Ishii, Naoyuki
Ochiai, Hiroko Kojima, Junzo Tanaka, Toshimasa Uemura, Repair of large osteochondral defects with cartilage
aggregates from bone marrow derived cells using RWV bioreactors, Journal of Orthopaedic Research,25(10)
1291-1298 (2007)
67) Jie-Feng Cui, Yin-kun Liu, Hai-Jun Zhou, Xiao-Nan Kang, Cheng Huang, Yi-Feng He, Zhao-You Tang,
Toshimasa Uemura “Screening serum HCC-associated proteins by SELDI-based protein spectra analysis,
World Journal of Gastroenterology、14(8), 1257-1262 (2008)
68) Shinsuke Sakai, Miki Tamura, Hajime Mishima, Hiroko Kojima, Toshimasa Uemura “ Bone formation induced
by adenoviral vectors carrying Cbfa1/Runx2 genes released from Biodegradable porous materials on non-
traumatic animal models of osteonecrosis of the femoral head” Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative
Medicine, 2(2-3)164-167 (2008)
69) Wenda Dai, Jian Dong, Taolin Fang, Toshimasa Uemura "Stimulation of Osteogenic Activity in Mesenchymal
Stem Cells by FK506“Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A、86(1) 235-243 (2008)
70) Jiang Ying, Hajime Mishima, Shinsuke Sakai, Yin-kun Liu, Yoshimi Ohyabu, Toshimasa Uemura, “Gene
Expression Analysis of Major Lineage Defining Factors in Human Bone Marrow Cells –Effect of Aging, Gender,
Age-related Disorder and Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug (NSAID)-“Journal of Orthopaedic Research.
26(7) 910-917 (2008)
71) Shinsuke Sakai, Hajime Mishima, Tomoo Ishii, Hiroshi Akaogi, Tomokazu Yoshioka, Toshimasa Uemura,
Naoyuki Ochiai, “Concentration of Bone Marrow Aspirate Using Simple Centrifugal Methods for Osteogenic
Repair” Acta Orthopaedica, 79, 445-448, 2008
72) Hironori Yamazoe, Toshimasa Uemura, Toshizumi Tanabe, “Facile cell patterning on an albumin-coated
surface” Langmuir, 24, 8402-8404 (2008)
73) Shinsuke Sakai, Hajime Mishima, Tomoo Ishii, Tomokazu Yoshikawa, Yoshimi Ohyabu, Chang Fei, Naoyuki
Ochiai, Toshimasa Uemura, “3D structure of hyaline cartilage tissue with adult human bone marrow-derived
cells using Rotating Wall Vessel Bioreactor,, Journal of Orthopaedic Research、27(4) 517-521 (2009).
74) Yoshimi Ohyabu, Junzo Tanaka, Yoshito Ikada, Toshimasa Uemura, Cartilage Tissue Regeneration from Bone
Marrow Cells by RWV Bioreactor Using Collagen Sponge Scaffold , Materials Sciences and Engineering C,
29(3) 1150-1155 (2009)
75)Yoshimi Ohyabu, Takuro Adegawa, Tomohiko Yoshioka, Toshiyuki Ikoma, Kazuo Shinozaki, Toshimasa
Uemura, Junzo Tanaka, Collagen Sponge Incorporating a Hydroxyapatite/Polysaccharide Composite as a
Scaffold for Cartilage Tissue Engineering Submitted to Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition,
20(13) 1861-1874 (2009)
76)Yoshimi Ohyabu, Ziena Sunil, Tomokazu Yoshioka, Kazuki Inoue, Shinsuke Sakai, Hajime Mishima, Kaul Sunil,
Toshimasa Uemuura, Wadha Renu “ Stable and non-invasive illumination of mesenchymal stem cells by
internalizing quantum dots” Human Gene Therapy 20(3) 210-226 (2009)
77) Jian Zhou ,Hong Lin, Tao-lin Fang,,Wen-da Dai, Toshimasa Uemura, Jian Dong, The repair of large
segmental bone-defects in the rabbit with vascularized tissue engineered bone” Biomaterials、31(6) 1171-
1179 (2010) .
78)W.Dai, J.Dong, G.Cheng, T.Uemura “Application of low-pressure cell seeding system in tissue engineering,
BioScience Trends, 3(6), 216-219 (2009)
79) Yoshimi Ohyabu, Takuro Adegawa, Tomohiko Yoshioka, Toshiyuki Ikoma, Toshimasa Uemura, Junzo Tanaka,
Cartilage regeneration using a porous scaffold, a collagen sponge incorporating a hydroxyapatite/chondroitin
sulfate composite, Materials Science and Engineering B 173, 204-207 (2010)
80) Tomokazu Yoshioka, Hajime Mishima, Kaul Zeenia, Yoshimi Ohyabu, Shinsuke Sakai, Naoyuki Ochiai, Sunil
Kaul, Renu Wadhwa Toshimasa Uemura, “Donor cell fate with mortalin antibody conjugated internalizing
quantum dots (QDs) labeled, cartilaginous aggregates formed from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
(MSCs) following allogeneic transplantation into osteochondral defects of rabbits.”, Journal of Tissue
Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 5(6) 437-443 (2011)
81) Toshimasa Uemura, Hiroko Kojima, Bone formation in vivo induced by Cbfa1-carrying adenoviral
vectors released from a biodegradable porous beta-TCP material, STAM(Science and Technology of
Advanced Materials), 11 and 12 (2010 and 2011) 034405
82) Masanori Nishi, Rena Matsumoto, Jian Dong and Toshimasa Uemura ”Vascularized tissue-engineered bone
under 3D culture by rotating wall vessel(RWV) bioreactor”, Proceedings of the 10th Asian BioCeramics
Symposium (ABC2010), Archives of BioCeramics Researches,10, 161-164 (2010)
83) Toshimasa Uemura, Sun-Jun Kim, Kosuke Kuwabara, Akihiro Miyauchi, Cell Culture on Nanopillar Sheets —
Mesenchymal Stem Cells form Spheroids under Chondrogenic Differentiation Depending on Nanopillar Sizes —,
Nano Biomedicine 3(2) 251-256 (2011)
84) Masanori NISHI, Rena MATSUMOTO, Jian DONG, Toshimasa UEMURA, Regeneration of Bone Tissue in a
Controlled in Vitro Environment with a Rotating Wall Vessel Bioreactor, Nano Biomedicine 3(2) 267-274
85) Masanori Nishi, Rena Matsumoto, Jian Dong, Toshimasa Uemura, Effects of implantation of three-dimensional
engineered bone tissue with a vascular-like structure on repair of bone defects. Applied Surface Science 262,

60-63 (2012)
86) Toshimasa Uemura, PIV analysis of cartilage regeneration process from bone marrow cells by three
dimensional culture using RWV bioreactor, Nano Biomedicine, 4(2) 85-89 (2012)
87) Masanori Nishi, Rena Matsumoto, Jian Dong, Toshimasa Uemura, Engineered bone tissue associated with
vascularization utilizing a rotating wall vessel bioreactor. J Biomed Mater Res A. 101(2):421-427 (2013).
88) Koichi IMAI, Toshimasa UEMURA, Akito TANOUE, Kazuaki NAKAMURA, Hiromasa TAKASHIMA, An
Attempt to Study of Mouse ES Cell Differentiation using Collagen Derived from Tilapia Scale, Journal of Oral
Tissue Engineering 10(2) 89-94 (2012)
89) Xiaohui Long, Rena Matsumoto, Pengyuan Yang and Toshimasa Uemura “Effect of human mesenchymal stem
cells on the growth of HepG2 and Hela cells”, Cell Structure and Function, 38, 109-121 (2013)
90) Tomokazu Yoshioka, Hajime Mishima, Shinsuke Sakai, Toshimasa Uemura, Long-term results of cartilage
repair after allogeic transplantation of cartilaginous aggregates formed from bone marrow-derived cells for
large osteochondral defects in rabbit knees. Cartilage,4(4) 339-344 (2013)
91) Mika Pietilae, Petri Lehenkari, Paula Kuvaja, Mika Kaakinen, Sunil C Kaul, Renu Wadhwa, Toshimasa
Uemura, “Mortalin Antibody-Conjugated Quantum Dot Transfer From Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells to
Breast Cancer Cells Requires Cell-Cell Interaction”, Experimental Cell Research, 319, 2770-2780 (2013)..
92) Jiefeng Cui, Yin-kun Liu Rena Matsumoto, Toshimasa Uemura,”Highly expression and biological function of
type VI collagen on the early events of chondrogenesis in human mesenchymal stem cells” J Oral Tissue
Engineering, 11(1), 29-41 (2013)
93) Toshimasa Uemura, “Construction of Three Dimensional Tissues of Osteosarcoma MG63 Cells using a
Rotating Wall Vessel Bioreactor and Its Dose Dependent Effect of Doxorubicin”. Nano Biomedicine 6(1) 21-26
94) Rena Matsumoto, Toshimasa Uemura, Zhefeng Xu, Isamu Yamaguchi, Toshiyuki Ikoma, Junzo Tanaka “Rapid
oriented fibril formation of fish scale collagen facilitates early osteoblastic differentiation of human
mesenchymal stem cells” J Biomed Mater Res PartA, 103(8) 2531-2539 (2015)
95) Toshimasa Uemura, Kazuya Matsumoto, Hiroko Kojima, “Overexpression of VEGF induces bone formation in
the model of transplantation of cultured bone cells.” Nano Biomedicine, 6(2) 85-92 (2014)
96) Masato Yuasa,, Tsuyoshi Yamada, Takashi Taniyama, Tomokazu Masaoka, Wei Xuetao, Toshitaka Yoshii,
Masaki Horie, Toshimasa Uemura, Atsushi Okawa, Shinichi Sotome. “Dexamethasone enhances osteogenic
differentiation of bone marrow- and muscle-derived stromal cells and augments ectopic bone formation induced
by bone morphogenetic protein-2.” PLOS-ONE、10(2):e0116462 (2015)
97) Hwan Hee Oh, Toshimasa Uemura, Isamu Yamaguchi, Toshiyuki Ikoma, Junzo Tanaka, “The effect of
enzymatically crosslinked tilapia scale collagen for osteoblastic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem
cells.” Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 31(1), 31-41 (2016).
98) Han-Hsiu Hsu, Toshimasa Uemura, Isamu Yamaguchi, Toshiyuki Ikoma, Junzo Tanaka Chondrogenic
differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells on fish scale collagen, J Bioscience and Biotechnology,
122(2), 219-225 (2016)
99) Kagimoto S, Takebe T, Kobayashi S, Yabuki Y, Hori A, Hirotomi K, Mikami T, Uemura T, Maegawa J,
Taniguchi H., Autotransplantation of monkey ear perichondrium-derived progenitor cells for cartilage
reconstruction. Cell Transplant. 25(5) , 951-962 (2016)
100) Uemura T, In vitro and In vivo Osteogenic Differentiation of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Induced by
Cbfa1(Til-1) Overexpression. J Oral Tissue Engineering 16(1) 3-12 (2018)
101) Sugimori F, Hirakawa H, Tsutsui A, Yamaji H, Komaru S, Takasaki M, Iwamatsu T, Uemura T, Uemura Y,
Morita K, Tsumura T. A Novel Electron Emission-Based Cell Culture Device Promotes Cell Proliferation and
Differentiation of Pre-Osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 Cells, PLOSONE, 2019, 14(3), journal pone 0213579
102) Akihiro Hashida, Toshimasa Uemura, Masahiro Kino-oka, Kinetics on aggregate behaviors of human induced
pluripotent stem cells in static suspension and rotating flow cultures, Journal of Bioscience and
Bioengineering, 129(4) 494-501 (2020)
103) Masahiro Enomura, Soichiro Murata, Yuri Terada, Maiko Tanaka, Shinji Kobayashi, Takayoshi Oba, Shintaro
Kagimoto, Yoichiro Yabuki, Kenichi Morita, Toshimasa Uemura, Jiro Maegawa, Hideki Taniguchi,
Development of a Method for Scaffold-free Elastic Cartilage Creation, International Journal of Molecular
Sciences. 2020, 21(22) 8496.
104) Taro Nakazato, Takuji Kawamura, Toshimasa Uemura, Li Liu, Junjun Li, Masao Sasai, Akima
Harada, Emiko Ito, Hiroko Iseoka, Koichi Toda, Yoshiki Sawa, and Shigeru Miyagawa.
Engineered three-dimensional cardiac tissues maturing in a rotating wall vessel bioreactor
remodel diseased hearts in rats with myocardial infarction. Stem Cell Reports, 17(1-13) May
10 (2022).
105)Akihiro Hashida, Taro Nakazato, Toshimasa Uemura, Li Liu, Shigeru Miyagawa, Yoshiki Sawa, and
Masahiro Kino-oka * Effect of morphological changes on the maturation of human induced
pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiac tissue in rotating flow culture, Regenerative Therapy,
24.479-488 (2023)