学会等報告 Academic Activities: 1. 1995年5月15日 日本行政学会総会・研究大会、報告者、同志社大学 2. 1998年 6 月 12 日 日本公共政策学会総会・研究大会、報告者、東洋大 学 3. Speaker (English), The International Workshop on Social Movements, University of Kent at Canterbury, the Centre for the Study of Social and Political Movements, 18 May 2000. “Local Campaigns and National Lobbying: Social Policy Reform in Japan 4. Speaker and Discussant (English), U.S.-Japan Friendship Commission Conference on Women and Politics, American Political Science Association, American University in Washington, D.C., Women and Politics Institute, 26-19 August 2000. “Women and Policy” 5. Speaker (English), Lucy Cavendish College Seminar Series 2000-2001: Lucy 村瀬(衛藤)幹子 5 Tuesdays in Conjunction with the Centre for Women Leaders, University of Cambridge at Cambridge, 21 November 2000. “Women’s Activism and Social Policy-Making in Japan” 6. Speaker (English), Women and Politics: International Perspective 1800-2000, London Guildhall University, Calcutta House, 7 July 2001. “The Intersection between Politics and Everyday Life in Japanese Women’s Grassroots Movements: Beyond the Motherhood Myth?” 7. Speaker (English), Conference 2001 of Women’s Studies Network (UK) Association, Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education, the Leisure and Sport Research Unit, 14 July 2001. “The Scope and the Limits of Grassroots Women’s Movements: the case of Consumer Groups in Japan” 8. Discussant (English), the Second International Convention of Asia Scholars, Panel of Japan’s Welfare Policies in Comparative Perspective, Freie Universität Berlin in Germany, 10 August 2001. 9. Speaker (English), Japanese Studies Seminar, sponsored by Florida-Japan Institute, University of West Florida, 17 September 2001. “Women’s Voluntary Activities in Japan: the Intersection between Politics and Everyday Lives on Grassroots Movement” 10. Speaker (English), North-eastern Political Science Association and International Studies Association-Northeast, Thirty-Third Annual Meeting, Panel of Ageing Politics and Policies, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 8 November 2001. “Confusion in the Introduction of Japan’s Long-Term Care Insurance System: Who Is Responsible for Care for the Elderly”. 11. Speaker (English), The UK-Japan 21st Century Group, The Eighteenth Conference, Panel of The Provision of Welfare and Public Services, Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, U.K., 21-24 February 2002. “The partnership between the Public Sector, the Non-Profit Making Sector and Private Companies in Japan’s Public Service Provision: How to Combine the Three Sectors?”. 12. Discussant (English), A Gender Agenda Conference: Asian-Europe Dialogue (Phase 2), Tampere, Finland, 15-18 September 2002. Woking Group Sessions of “Economic Life” and “Political Decision-Making”. 13.2002年10月6日 日本政治学会総会・研究大会、報告者、愛媛大学 (松山)、分科会 G「ジェンダーと正義」 村瀬(衛藤)幹子 6 「ジェンダーと市民的自由―「差異」と「平等」の再検討―」 14. Speaker (English), International Conference on Women and Politics in Asia, Panel of Women’s Organizations, Halmstad, Sweden, 6-7 June 2003. “Intersection between Everyday Life and Politics: Grassroots Women’s Movements in Japan”. 15. Speaker (English), the 100th Annual Meeting of American Political Science Association, Panel of the Japanese Electoral Connection, Chicago, USA , 2-5 September 2004. “Women’s Movements in Japan: The Intersection between Everyday Life and Politics”. 16. Speaker (English), Lunch Talk at Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark, 29 September 2004. “Women’s Movements in Japan”. 17. Speaker (English), Lecture on Japanese Women’s Movements in Its Global Context, East Asian Department, Institute of History and Area studies, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 6 October 2004. 18. Speaker (English), Seminar on Gender Studies, Department of Political Science, University of Stockholm, Sweden, 20 September 2005. “The Comparative Research on the Women’s Movement and Its Political Involvement in Japan, Britain and Denmark”. 19. Speaker (English), Lecture on The General Election of 11 September 2005 in Japan: Can the Wining Prime Minister Make a Difference in Japanese Politics?, Department of Political Science, University of Stockholm, Sweden, 23 September 2005. 20. Speaker (English), the Third International Conference on Women and Politics in Asia, Islamabad, Pakistan, 24-25 November 2005. “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Women’s Political Activism in Japan: Seen from Comparative Perspectives”. 21. Speaker (English), the Twentieth World Congress of International Political Science Association, Session 382: Deepening Japanese Democracy, Fukuoka, Japan, 9-13 July 2006. “Women’s Movements in Japan: Intersection between Everyday Life and Politics”. 22. Speaker (English), the Thirty-eighth Annual Meeting of Northeastern Political Science Association and International Studies Association-Northeast, Boston, the USA, 9-11 November 2006. “Women’s Political Activism and Democracy in Japan: Seen from Comparative 村瀬(衛藤)幹子 7 Perspectives”. 23. 2007年6月10日 日本女性学会大会、報告者、法政大学(市ヶ谷キ ャンパス)、第4分科会 「女性の過少代表とクオータ制度-特定集団の政治的優先枠をめぐる考 察」 24. 2007年10月7日 日本政治学会研究大会、報告者、明治学院大学 (白金台キャンパス)、R7民主主義論 「女性の過少代表とクオータ制度-特定集団の政治的優先枠をめぐる考 察」 25. Speaker (English), the Northeastern Political Science Association and International Studies Association-Northeast, 39th Annual Meeting, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 15-17, 2007, Panel L3, Gender in Political Institutions - American and Comparative Perspectives. “Women and Representation in Japan: The Causes for Political Inequalities, Seen from International Perspectives”. 26. Speaker (English), 104th American Political Science Annual Meeting & Exhibition, August 28-31, 2008, Boston, MA, Panel 31-19: Organizing, Gender, Social Movements, “Women’s Autonomous Organizations, Civil Society and Democracy: How Women’ Agencies Link Demands to Politics, Seen from a Comparative Perspective”. 27. Speaker (English), 21st World Congress of Political of Political Science, July 12-16, 2009, Santiago, Chile, Special Session (SS)01-344: Democracy, Civil Society and Gender Empowerment, “Gender, Civil Society, and Democracy: The Basis for Women’s Political Involvement”. 28. Speaker (English), International Conference of Asian Democratization and Politicoeconomic Sustainable Development in the 21st Century: Democratic Governance, Department of Political Science, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 16 October 2009, “Good Governance, Social Diversity and Sustainable Development: How Japan can tackle the difficulties of an ageing society?” 29. Speaker (English), International Workshop on Deliberative Democracy in Europe and North America: Theory, Experiences and Historical Perspectives, Aarhus University, Denmark, 14 May 2011, “Democracy, Civil Society and the State: Reframing from Gender Perspective”. 30. Speaker (English), Stockholm Seminar on Japan, Stockholm University, Sweden, 17 May 2011, “A Silent Majority in Japanese Politics: What Prevents Women from Getting into Legislative Bodies?” 村瀬(衛藤)幹子 8 31. Speaker (English), Northeastern Political Science Association, the 43rd Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 19 November 2011, “Rethinking Democracy from Feminist Critical Perspectives: Representation, Participation and Everyday Life”. 32. 2012年6月23日 日本比較政治学会研究大会、報告者、日本大学法 学部(三崎町キャンパス)、自由企画2:ジェンダー・クオータの政治 学:北欧、ラテンアメリカ、韓国の比較、「クオータと女性運動―政治的 男女平等をめぐる『スウェーデン・モデル』の検証」 33. Speaker (English), IPSA’s 22nd World Congress of Political Science, Reshaping Power, Shifting Boundaries, held from July 8 to July 12, 2012 in Madrid (Spain), Panel: Parliamentary Communication Against Democracy, Session: RC22 Political Communication (Thursday, 12 July), “Rethinking Democracy at the Grassroots Level: Representation, Participation and Everyday Life”. 34. Speaker (English), IPSA’s 23rd World Congress of Political Science, Challenges of Contemporary Governance, held from 19-24 July 2014 in Montreal (Canada), Panel on Goals and Strategies of Women's Movements in Time of Anti-Feminist Tendencies: Strong Patriarchal Contexts, RC19: Women and Politics (22 July), “‘Gender’ Trouble in Japanese Politics: Discourse, Activities, and Representation”. 35. Speaker (English), Australian Political Studies Association Conference 2014, held from 28 September to 1 October 2014 in Sydney, Panel OS10 (Monday 29, 11:00- 12:30, at NLS 446) “Diverse Voices and Democratic Policymaking :Lessons from the National Debates on Post-Fukushima Nuclear Policy in Japan” 36. Chair (English), Gender and Politics Workshop with Lisa Baldez, held on 21 March 2015, sponsored by Keio University, Super Global Universities Programme 37. Discussant (English), The 19th Asian Studies Conference Japan, held from 20-21 June 2015 at Meiji Gakuin University, Session 10 (Saturday 20): Women and Ambiguous Politics in Post 3.11 Japan: A Collaborative Project (I) 38. Speaker (English), DIJ International Conference: Mothers and Social Movements in Postwar Japan, held on 29 July 2016 at German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo. “Mother and Social Movements in Postwar Japan: A theoretical overview”