1. Guest Lecturer (English), University of Michigan, Japanese Politics Class (Professor 村瀬(衛藤)幹子 12 John Campbell), Ann Arbor, U.S.A, 12 November 2001. “Grassroots Organization and Policy: The Role of Women”. 2. Japan-UK 21st Group 3. Delegate, A 50 Caravan: Appreciating the Past as a Bridge to the Future, sponsored by the A 50 Executive Committee (co-organized by Japan Center for International Exchange and National Association of Japan-America Societies, Inc.), Houston in Texas and Pensacola in Florida, September 2002 4. Guest Lecture (English), Temple University, Japan Campus, Gender Studies Class (Dr Tin Tin Htun), Azabu Tokyo, 9 June 2016. “Women’s Movements in Japan: What mobilizes women and how they act for the sake of themselves?” 5. Guest Lecture (English), Temple University, Japan Campus, Gender Studies Class (Dr Tin Tin Htun), Azabu Tokyo, 9 June 2017. “Women’s Movements in Japan: What mobilizes women and how they act for the sake of themselves?” 6. Guest Lecture (English), Temple University, Japan Campus, Gender Studies Class (Dr Tin Tin Htun), Azabu Tokyo, 9 June 2018. “Women’s Movements in Japan: What mobilizes women and how they act for the sake of themselves?” 7. Guest Lecture (English), Temple University, Japan Campus, Gender Studies Class (Dr Tin Tin Htun), Azabu Tokyo, 9 June 2019. “Women’s Movements in Japan: What mobilizes women and how they act for the sake of themselves?”